Prevail Psychiatry


2222 N Mayfair Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226 WauwatosaRate and review
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Prevail Psychiatry is focused on healing those with psychiatry illness and issues through our private mental health clinic facilities by offering various types of counseling for those who need it in and around the Milwaukee area. We provide a comprehensive service that is customized to each patient's needs. We have the belief when it comes to mental illness, one size does not fit all. As such, the type of care we give each client will be based on their psychiatry diagnosis and the care that is given may be one of several different treatments within our facility. The different treatment plans we use may be medication only, various types of therapy only or a combination of medication and therapy. After a period of analyzing a patient, the professional assigned to them will review the notes and confer with other professional within our facilities to determine what, if any medication and/or therapy are best for that person. The wide range of treatment programs here at Prevail Psychiatry is provided by our educated and trained staff members that take the care of each patient with confidentiality. The individually personalized for each client will take part in the full counseling services that we offer here within our facility. We believe that for the benefit and sake of the community, the help we offer those who are suffering from addictions and other mental disorders is a positive contribution and take pride in the services we offer. We have an intensive outpatient treatment prog

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